Germany: Syrian Koran teacher abuses six primary school girls

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The offences he is accused of are heinous: the accused Zahed K. (30) is said to have abused six girls ( aged 5 to 9) in Bochum who came to his flat for private Koran lessons!
K. has been in custody since the allegations came to light in December 2023. The Syrian from Aleppo had given Arabic and Quran lessons to primary school children for years. He is married under Islamic law and has a son himself. His wife brought two girls into the relationship.
The man is said to have assaulted schoolgirls in his flat at least eleven times since 2018. According to the indictment, he sometimes grabbed their buttocks and sometimes kissed them with his tongue. Two girls told the police that they had to kneel down half naked while the teacher touched them indecently.
Prosecutor Natalja Silbernagel: “In one case, he carried out the sexual act using force.”
Zahed K. initially remained silent in court. His lawyers, Jens Tuschhoff and Fabian Reifer, announced that their client might want to make statements on one of the upcoming trial days. “After his arrest, he denied having done anything to the children,” said Tuschhoff.

The accused is said to have threatened a witness when rumours of disgusting goings-on during religious instruction began to spread. Relatives of the girls angrily confronted the teacher. Strict identity checks were therefore ordered in court at the entrance.

Bochum: Koranlehrer soll Mädchen missbraucht haben | Regional |

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