First five men were singing inciting songs against Israel on the Eurobahn train (RB 59) from Soest to Werl, then they turned violent. Two men from Münster and one man from Werl were injured by punches and kicks. Police state security is investigating. In the night from Saturday to Sunday, November 12 at 1.25 a.m., there was first a case of rabble-rousing and then a dangerous assault on the regional train from Soest to Werl. What had happened? Five men on the train were chanting “there is no Israel” and “pro Palestine”. A 24-year-old man from Münster did not want to listen to this and showed civil courage. He asked the five accused to refrain from singing such songs.
This resulted in verbal disputes, as a result of which the man from Münster was punched several times in the face. Two other injured persons, also a 24-year-old from Münster and a 23-year-old from Werl, wanted to help the victim and stood between the opponents. They were also maltreated with fists and kicks.
The five suspects got off the train in Werl and ran off in different directions. During the search that was immediately launched, a suspected offender matching the description of several witnesses and the victim was caught in the vicinity. He is an 18-year-old Syrian who currently lives in Werl. The four other perpetrators are still on the run.
Video recordings from the train are now being evaluated. Further investigations are being conducted by the Dortmund police’s state security department.
Israel-Hasser prügeln in der Eurobahn auf Fahrgäste ein (soester-anzeiger.de)