It was another murder of a woman, a so-called femicide! Again in Berlin. Again with a knife. In the evening, a man stabbed his former partner (28) to death in Lichtenberg. She is the mother of two children. His ‘motive’: disappointed love.
It was only late on Wednesday evening that a man brutally stabbed his ex-wife to death in front of a block of flats in the Zehlendorf district of Berlin. She also succumbed to her serious injuries.
The scene of the crime this time: Dolgenseestraße in Friedrichsfelde. The killer (45) lay in wait for his ex-girlfriend at her front door. He rang the doorbell, she opened it – and then, completely out of the blue, he allegedly stabbed the young woman with a knife.
Neighbours became aware of the victim’s screams and called the police. The woman lay bleeding in the hallway outside her front door. An emergency doctor and paramedics attended to the seriously injured woman. She was resuscitated and taken to hospital. However, she died there shortly afterwards and the knife-wielding attacker fled the scene. He was arrested an hour later two kilometres from the scene of the crime at Rummelsburg S-Bahn station. Sebastian Büchner, spokesman for the Berlin public prosecutor’s office, said: ‘The accused is the victim’s ex-partner.’
The suspect was born in Turkey. The murder victim comes from Greece. The woman has two children. They were with their biological father at the time of the crime.
As in the Zehlendorf case, was the ex-boyfriend banned from approaching the victim? ‘No,’ said Büchner. ‘But the woman had filed a complaint against her ex-boyfriend for stalking.’ He could not say when this was dated, but the woman was apparently still desperately trying to get help from neighbours. A bloody fingerprint can be seen on the doorbell. The flat door has been sealed by the 6th homicide squad.
A judge issued an arrest warrant for the 45-year-old, as requested by the public prosecutor’s office, the authorities announced on the online platform X. The accused is therefore in custody.
Femizid: Stalker (45) ersticht Mutter (28) von zwei Kindern (bz-berlin.de)