Unknown persons have cut and scratched centuries-old paintings in Hamburg’s main churches St. Petri and St. Jacobi in the city centre. What is striking: Jesus’ throat was slit with a knife, slaughtered, so to speak… (photo above)
Presumably, the perpetrators this time are not the doom-mongers of the climate-glue terrorists, as the paintings were not sullied with tomato sauce, but brutally slashed with a pointed object, probably a knife. So far unknown persons have cut and scratched centuries-old paintings in Hamburg’s main churches St. Petri and St. Jacobi in the city centre between May 26 and 31.
In the St. Petri church alone, seven paintings were damaged. Among them is the famous work “Christ as Man of Sorrows” by Master Francke, created around 1435, which hangs as a copy in the church. According to the newspaper Bild, the priceless original has been in the Hamburg Art Gallery since 1924. The painting “The Birth of Christ” by Gottfried Libalt (1649) is different. A deep scratch runs across the neck of the infant Jesus.
The damage will probably amount to tens of thousands. Sexton Martin Meier estimates the restoration costs at 50,000 to 80,000 euros. Meier is deeply shocked and laments: “We help everyone here, we have social projects. Such acts endanger our work, we then have to close our church. I am deeply angry and shocked.” Quite obviously, the churchman has now realised how close the impacts have already come. Because: For years, church desecrations have been on the increase in the best Germany we have ever had. Statues of saints are spat upon, crosses are desecrated, people urinate in holy water basins. This was the case in Nordhausen, Thuringia. There, a 25-year-old Afghan “refugee” smashed a crucifix that had been rescued from the rubble after the bombing of Nordhausen in the Second World War. Just one case out of thousands on which the churches with an affinity to Islam remain silent.
Islamic hatred of Christian values, however, is not limited to Germany, but is just as vehemently concealed in other European countries that are “enriched” by Muslims. The arson in the cathedral of Nantes, for example, briefly sparked a debate about a concealed culture war and revealed the extent of attacks on Christian symbols in Central Europe. Churches, chapels, cemeteries, even summit crosses by Muslims are on the increase.
Do the actual deed to the throat of the Islamorat who did this.