Germany: Iraqi Mustafa (32) nearly beheads girlfriend Natascha (37) and barricades himself in her flat

The crime scene, screen grab youtube

Her boyfriend’s visit ended fatally!

In Burgdorf (30,000 inhabitants, north-east of Hanover), a 37-year-old woman was the victim of a violent crime in her own home. Natascha G. was stabbed in the neck with a knife by her boyfriend Mustafa A. (32, Iraqi). The knifeman then barricaded himself in the flat.what happened? Late on Wednesday evening, the man phoned the police about the murderous incident in the flat in Heiligenbeiler Straße, a spokesman said. According to investigators, it can be assumed that the caller was the suspect. The police had to call in special forces to arrest him.

When the first officers arrived at the scene, they immediately entered the flat. There they found the dead woman, whose body had several stab wounds and cuts.

The man suspected of the offence was also in the flat at the time, but could not be arrested immediately. He had barricaded himself in the flat and repeatedly threatened to take his own life.

Special forces were then called in. These elite forces were then called in and succeeded in arresting him shortly afterwards. According to a police spokesperson, the man was slightly injured and the police did not initially provide any further details about the motive or background to the violent offence. The police also did not initially say what kind of weapon was involved.

They have started an investigation and the criminal investigation department is on duty.

Burgdorf bei Hannover: Frau getötet, Spezialkräfte nehmen Mann fest | Regional |

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