Germany: ‘I have never seen my child cry like that’ – 14-year-old Lena beaten by Afghan and Syrian gang of girls in her own schoolyard

Lena’s mother released a photo of her and her daughter inside a hospital after the beating.

A 14-year-old German girl was brutally beaten by a gang of migrant girls from Afghanistan and Syria on Thursday in a schoolyard in Sande, located in Lower Saxony, and now the mother says the school just looked the other way.

The girl, who is still hospitalized, is suffering from lung damage. After the girl was beaten, she dragged herself into the school building and waited for 30 minutes in a teachers’ room. Nobody called for help until a father from another student called an ambulance and the police.

The girl was transported to the hospital, where she can barely sit in a wheelchair on her own for 10 minutes due to the pain.

A German journalist from the Alexander-Wallasch site interviewed the girl’s mother.

“My daughter is currently still in the hospital. Today, it was discovered that the damage to her lungs is not insignificant. She can barely sit in her wheelchair for 10 minutes on her own. She is constantly dependent on oxygen. Walking and standing alone is almost impossible. She always has at least a 6.5 out of 10 pain rating on the pain scale, despite painkillers,” said the mother.

The mother said there are two girls at school who are sisters who are part of a gang, and this gang has “terrorized the school for a long time.”

Shortly before the beating, Lena attempted to de-escalate a conflict between the gang and another girl, which is when Lena was grabbed and pulled to the group. The girls then formed a circle around Lena and began to kick her.

“My children called me (about the attack). I immediately left my workplace in Jever and drove straight to Sande. There I met her friend’s parents, who then came up to me. My child was sitting crouched on a chair in front of the secretary’s office. So she was not offered the opportunity to lie down. Then my child told me what had happened. The friend’s father then walked past me and said: ‘Nobody has called an ambulance yet. I’m calling the ambulance and the police now – immediately!”‘” she said.

To illustrate how bad the beating was, the mother said that when she found Lena, she was in hysterics.

“I have never seen my child cry like that and never seen her in so much pain,” said the mother.

Following the incident, the school has not contacted the mother.

“I said, of course, my children would not be attending school until at least Wednesday and that Lena would not be attending school at all. And I have already filed an application for a school transfer. There were then wishes for a speedy recovery. But the perpetrators are only suspended. And as I said, I found out today that the third perpetrator has probably not been suspended yet.”

She said the police arrived at the school and were there for 20 minutes, where they took statements. There has been no further information since then.

The mother of Lena said that there have been conflicts for months with these girls and that she has been worried about the outcome. It got to the point that Lena said she no longer wanted to go to school. The mother of Lena is pointing to the high proportion of migrant children in the class.

“Of course, trust is completely broken. Trust is broken when I see how high the proportion of migrants is in the class. I think there are twelve pupils in total, and I think eight of them have a migrant background. That is a clear majority,” she said.

She explained the small class size by the fact the school is small and due to the high proportion of migrants. Often, schools with high migrant populations receive more resources from the state in Germany, often to the detriment of schools with higher ethnic German populations who will receive fewer funds.

The school has fewer students. Also because it is split into secondary schools and middle schools. The secondary school branch consists mostly of immigrants and children who are then also pushed into the secondary school branch.

However, despite the small class size, the mother also said that the teaching conditions are poor.

“My child had almost no geography lessons for half a year. My children sometimes came up to me and said, we only had three lessons today, and that was with a substitute. Or we only had four lessons today. So there is a lack of everything,” she said while explaining the lack of supervision despite the small class size.

“It is the case that the children really no longer have anyone they can trust at this school. And it is also the case that the teachers are sometimes in the classroom in pairs, but they are not in control of the situation. The students show up when they want and leave when they want. There are practically no rules for them.”

German schools have become increasingly diverse, and assaults have skyrocketed, especially in large cities such as Berlin.

Last year, Stefan Düll, the president of the German Teachers’ Association, said the education system was being overwhelmed by migrants.

“Due to immigration in 2015, the war in Ukraine and other immigration, new people are constantly coming into the system, but the system is slow to keep up because it is moving too fast,” said Dülli, who told news agency DTS that the school system was overloaded due to excessive immigration.

The president says that a high proportion of these children speak little or no German, which is putting an enormous burden on teachers.

“After all, they don’t speak Farsi or Ukrainian. How are they supposed to teach them?” he asked.

He said that students are also less motivated. “The higher the percentage of immigrants, the more difficult it is to motivate the class,” stated Düll. In his opinion, the high number of immigrants could also lead to “the group of illiterates becoming larger.” As Remix News reported last year, 25 percent of 4th graders cannot read in Germany.

In Berlin, 40 percent of students do not speak German as their native language, and in cities like Hamburg, the majority of students have a migrant background.

Remix News has reported on the crisis in German school systems before, along with other Western nations like France, due to mass immigration. Language is not the only issue, as multiculturalism has also led to conflicts in classrooms, social divisions, and even violence against teachers.