Germany: Huge Islam banners flutter for Mohammed’s alleged birthday at Leipzig Central Station

In Leipzig, Muslims revealed who will soon be calling the shots in this country: On the birthday of their bloodthirsty prophet, Muslims installed huge green banners with Arabic writing at Leipzig’s main railway station and blasted the square with loud Arabic wailing sounds.The BILD newspaper reports:

Loud music echoes from a tent across Willy-Brandt-Platz square. It is surrounded by huge banners with Arabic writing. In front of the banners in the green colour of Islam, all of them are young men handing out flyers to passers-by.

According to the city administration, this was a public event that was announced until Friday and had the motto “Historic Arab Monument.” However, the banners had to be taken down at the behest of the city: “They are not part of the permit,” said a city hall spokesperson.

On site, the participants explained to the newspaper BILD reporters that they were celebrating the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed – even though it was 14 days ago.

The flyers and banners also promote the “mercy” and “humanity” of the Prophet. Among other things, with Sura 9, verse 128: “A messenger has now come to you from your own ranks. It is distressing for him when you are in distress, (he is) eager for you, merciful and compassionate to the believers.”

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