It was not the street carnival, but a closed event organised by the Catholic Youth that became a trap for a 15-year-old girl. Two Syrians of the same age and a 19-year-old German-Croatian committed rape in the party room of the Catholic youth organisation in Speyer (Rhineland-Palatinate).
The gang rape took place on Saturday evening. However, the Frankenthal public prosecutor’s office and the Rheinpfalz police headquarters only reported the crime yesterday. According to the report, it was a “sexual assault by three young people and adolescents aged 15 and 19”.
“For tactical investigative reasons”, senior public prosecutor Hubert Ströber did not want to comment on the details of the offence. The investigator only confirmed the scene of the crime to the Bild newspaper: it is the youth cellar with an antique vault of the Catholic boys’ parish of St Joseph.
The victim has not yet been questioned by the police. However, the young woman has already been medically examined. Speyer, which is governed by Mayor Stefanie Seiler (SPD), is a member of the “Safe Harbour” campaign. The 320 German cities on the list “are ready to take in more people” and want to send a signal against the alleged “European policy of isolation”.
Gruppenvergewaltigung bei katholischem Jugend-Karneval (jungefreiheit.de)