One day after the report in newspaper B.Z. about a gang rape in the crime-ridden Görlitzer Park in Berlin-Kreuzberg, there has been a first arrest!
As public prosecutor Karen Sommer announced in a joint press release by the judiciary and the police on Thursday, a suspect had been arrested. The arrest warrant was issued for him on urgent suspicion of rape. “The 22-year-old suspect” is now in custody. According to senior public prosecutor Sebastian Büchner, the arrested man is from Somalia.
She stressed, “Further suspects are still under investigation.” The crime took place on June 21 in Görlitzer Park. She said: “In the early hours of the morning, several men allegedly raped a 27-year-old woman. In addition, her boyfriend, also 27 years old, was allegedly injured by the men with objects and brought to the ground. The two victims also allegedly had valuables stolen from them.”
Earlier, Stephan Weh, Berlin state chairman of the police union, had spoken of the first “arrests” in a statement on the security situation in the park. First, Weh defended the controversial release strategy of the Berlin police. He asked for understanding for the fact that the police do not publish rapes on their own initiative.
But then he said: “When communicating, the police must always keep in mind not to jeopardise investigations. In the current case, in view of the first arrests, it can be said that the prudent and restrained approach is paying off.
This means that suspects responsible for the hor rific crime in June have already been identified.
Has there been a report on the horrific crime? It was not worth reporting to the Berlin police.
How many suspects of the gang rape have been identified and arrested was not known at first.
According to current statistics, from the end of January to June there had already been eight serious offences in Görlitzer Park under the keyword “rape/sexual assault/sexual coercion”. “In addition, there were 13 “other sexual offences”. 21 offences already this year alone!
The animals should be neutered.
Death to RAPISTS!!!!