Germany: Did the asylum seeker kill the 14 year old Alevi schoolgirl because she was too western and did not wear a headscarf ? – The police suspect this

The murdered Ece (14) from Illerkirchberg was Alevi, lived, dressed and partied like all western teenagers. The CID is investigating whether this was the reason why the suspected killer from Eritrea stabbed the girl. Did he kill out of religious zeal?

The asylum seeker (27) from Eritrea who allegedly murdered the schoolgirl Ece (aged 14) and stabbed her best friend Nerea (aged 13) in Illerkirchberg near Ulm in Baden-Württemberg on Monday has so far remained silent on the motive for the insane crime. As reported by eXXpress, the migrant ambushed the girls on their way to school and attacked them maliciously.

The asylum seeker remains silent on the motive. He is now in a prison hospital and has not given any statements. The police are investigating whether the man from Eritrea killed for religious reasons.

Ece was an Alevi. The girl of Turkish origin, who attended a secondary school, acted like all young girls her age. Alevis reject the Islamic Sharia, the women do not veil themselves, they eat pork. For devout Muslims, they are not brothers and sisters in the faith, even traitors to the faith.

Perhaps Ece and her friend had been a thorn in the asylum seeker’s side for a long time. He has lived in the asylum centre for six years, the girls walked past it every day on their way to school. He must have known Ece and Nerva.

In the meantime, fear is running rampant in the small village. Three years ago, a girl was abused in the asylum centre. The local kindergarten is only a few metres away. Concerned mothers have now called on the mayor to finally do something about the asylum seekers or to relocate them.