Germany: Dark-skinned youths push 72-year-old off e-bike and laugh at her

A 72-year-old woman fell badly while riding her e-bike in Xanten on the Lower Rhine (Wesel district) because two unknown youths allegedly kicked her bike. In the fall on Sunday afternoon, the senior citizen broke her wrist, which must be operated on, the police announced on Monday.

Previously, the daughter of the senior reported the case, which is said to have occurred on the circular route around the Xantener South Lake. From the young people is only known that they are both dark-haired and have a “dark skin tone on the legs”.

The cyclist had seen them only from behind. After the serious kick against the wheel, the duo is said to have laughed and to have gone on without taking care of the fallen woman. In addition a bicycle bag, which had been at the wheel, is missing. Whether it was lost by the 72-year-old woman during the fall or whether the youths stole the bag is not known.

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