Germany: Because woman waves train driver who speaks ‘broken’ German stops, and he gets off to grope her

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Because a female jogger waved in a friendly manner, a train driver in Altußheim near Mannheim stopped his goods train to sexually harass the woman. It was an ‘incident that left even the most experienced investigators baffled’, according to an internal police report quoted by the news portal Nius. The Federal Police – responsible for crime at railway stations and on train lines – kept the case quiet.

‘At around 13:10, the 32-year-old was jogging along the railway tracks. She was travelling alone at the time, dressed in normal sportswear.’ Out of politeness and habit, she had waved to the passing train. The 41-year-old train driver ‘braked his engine to a standstill, got out and approached the woman’, the portal continues.

He then allegedly spoke to the woman in broken German and described her private parts as ‘beautiful’. Without much hesitation, he grabbed her crotch and buttocks. The jogger managed to break away and ran off – but the man caught up with her. He groped the 32-year-old again and kissed her breast area. She finally broke free and escaped.

The groper returned to his goods train and travelled on. The German citizen, who only spoke ‘broken German’, was arrested at Düsseldorf-Rath station. The Federal Police and Deutsche Bahn kept further details under wraps. The internal report is labelled ‘not for press release’.

Weil Frau winkt: Zugführer stoppt, um zu grapschen (