Germany: Because he criticised the lenient sentence against a Syrian, he now has to pay more in fines than the Syrian rapist

(Symbolfoto: Durch Denis Simonov/Shutterstock)

Because he criticised a judge for his lenient sentence against a Syrian rapist, the man now has to pay a fine of 5,000 euros. Unbelievable: the rapist of the 15-year-old victim only had to pay 3000 euros in compensation to his victim.

A man was ordered to pay a fine of 5000 euros because he had criticised a judge in an email as being ‘obviously mentally disturbed’. The reason for his anger: the judge had only imposed a suspended sentence on a 30-year-old Syrian man who had raped a 15-year-old girl in Osnabrück in 2022. The judge justified the lenient sentence with the perpetrator’s ‘positive development’ and the hope that he would become ‘a completely normal fellow citizen’. He also explained that the rape was ‘on the lower end’ of the scale of seriousness and that the girl would at least receive a small amount of compensation in the form of compensation for pain and suffering. The perpetrator only had to pay 3000 euros to the victim.

Because he criticised a judge for his lenient sentence against a Syrian rapist, the man now has to pay a fine of 5,000 euros. Unbelievable: the rapist of the 15-year-old victim only had to pay 3000 euros in compensation to his victim.

A man was ordered to pay a fine of 5000 euros because he had criticised a judge in an email as being ‘obviously mentally disturbed’. The reason for his anger: the judge had only imposed a suspended sentence on a 30-year-old Syrian man who had raped a 15-year-old girl in Osnabrück in 2022. The judge justified the lenient sentence with the perpetrator’s ‘positive development’ and the hope that he would become ‘a completely normal fellow citizen’. He also explained that the rape was ‘on the lower end’ of the scale of seriousness and that the girl would at least receive a small amount of compensation in the form of compensation for pain and suffering. The perpetrator only had to pay 3000 euros to the victim.