Tony B. is one of the countless victims of politicians who enable and promote uncontrolled mass migration of people from other cultures. Because he wanted to protect a girl in a Munich bar from a guest of Mrs Faeser, the latter rammed a glass into his face. Now the young man is blind in his left eye, the other has little sight left.
The 30-year-old will never forget the night of April 30 in a Munich milk bar. How it came about that his “baby face” – so called by his friends because of his soft facial features – is now covered with scars, why he completely lost the sight in one eye and only has little vision in the other, why he has to cope with his everyday life accompanied by panic attacks, Tony B. just knows from stories:, “My group that was there told me that I probably noticed the guy putting drops in a girl’s glass and I confronted him about it”. They would have only had a verbal argument.
“According to the video recording, I was involved in a conversation while the perpetrator targeted me with a glass and hit it across my face with full force. That was the moment I collapsed and was waiting for the emergency services in a huge pool of blood.”
Several panes of glass pierced his eyes during the attack. Lachrymation and the right eyelid were severed. The doctors at the hospital “Rechts der Isar” had to spend hours recovering the broken glass. Afterwards, they put the patient into an artificial coma.
Since then, he has been sharing his never-ending nightmare of doctor’s visits, negotiations for compensation and blindness on Instagram.
The young man is currently in very bad shape. His only hope: that his right eye can possibly regain some sight – an operation in September could possibly help. Since the attack, he suffers from massive panic attacks in crowds.
The accused is the 41-year-old Moroccan Aissam D. However, the Munich police are not only investigating the imported violent man, but also Tony for assault; he is said to have head-butted the Moroccan. For those close to him, these are accusations they found incomprehensible. Tony had always been the quiet, withdrawn kind of guy. He hardly ever went out partying.
The horror for B., however, is not only that he will be disfigured for life, has almost lost his eyesight and suffers from panic attacks. The legal battle over compensation for pain and suffering is just beginning. Tony: “We were frank about getting an offer of damages for pain and suffering, accepting that the perpetrator would get a mitigating bonus for the conviction.” Only more bizarre: Aissam D. and his lawyers – note the plural! – offered B. 10,000 euros as compensation. “According to the table of damages for pain and suffering, I am entitled to from 25 000 euros for an injured eye and considerably more for a blinded one. There are the massive scars on my face and the coma, broken shoulder, the trauma, etc.” In addition, he will probably not be able to work for the rest of his life.
“I am shocked by this ‘offer’ and see it more as an insult, to be honest.” , said B. , who wants to increase pressure on the attacker and draw attention to his fate by making it public.