Germany: An Indian man kills his two small children because his wife had separated from him

After the violent death of two innocent children in Hanau, more and more sad details come to light. The two siblings who died, a 7-year-old girl and her older brother (11), are said to have been very afraid of their father, who had gone into hiding since the crime, for quite some time, as reports with reference to an acquaintance of the family. The police’s search has not been successful so far.

The family from India only moved to Hanau at the end of 2021. However, the parents are said to have separated then – now this tragic bloody deed, which the wanted father is even said to have announced only days before. He was allegedly only allowed to have contact with his children in the presence of an employee of the Youth Welfare Office.

The mother lived alone with her two children in the high-rise building in Römerstraße, the current crime scene. There, the man is said to have gained access to the flat with cold-blooded intentions in the morning, when he thought his wife was at work in a fruit-vegetable shop. When she learned of the death of her children, she allegedly suffered a breakdown and admitted herself to a psychiatric hospital, according to the media report.

“I have never seen children so afraid of their father,” the newspaper BILD informant reports.

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