The body of a teenage girl was discovered on the banks of the Rhine near Worms on Monday evening. Investigators fear that the 15-year-old was the victim of a crime. The parents may have been involved in the killing of their daughter. The crime is said to have taken place on the banks of the Rhine on Saturday evening. Searches by the Mainz criminal investigation department then led to the discovery of the body.
The 39-year-old father and, in the meantime, the 34-year-old mother are suspected of the crime. Both suspects are currently in police custody. All three people are Afghan nationals.
An autopsy is to be carried out on Tuesday to determine the cause of death. Investigators are currently collecting evidence at the place where the body was found, in the homes of those involved and on the father’s vehicle. According to the police, the vehicle was seized in Pirmasens.
The public prosecutor’s office in Mainz has requested that the suspects be brought before an investigating judge. Meanwhile, the criminal investigation department is asking people who were in Rheindürkheim on the banks of the Rhine on Saturday evening to contact the investigators by calling 06131 65 3633 or sending an email to kdmainz.kdd@polizei.rlp.de.
Bei Worms: Polizei findet Leiche von 15-Jähriger am Rheinufer – Eltern unter Verdacht – WELT