Germany: Afghan man assaults Catholic mass – police have to intervene

As was only reported on July the 30th, last Sunday ( July the 28th) at around 11.55 a.m., a 24-year-old Afghan caused a considerable disturbance during the service of the Catholic St. Maximilian Kolbe parish in the Harburg St. Maria church (photo) in the south of Hamburg.

The young man had tied a Palestinian flag around his neck and then displayed it on his back. Eyewitnesses reported that the young man then walked through the nave towards the priest and stood there. He was then asked to leave the church by church staff, which he complied with. At the door, however, he continued to cause a disturbance by playing loud music on a speaker at the open entrance.

When the police arrived with several patrol cars, the man initially fled, according to a police spokesperson. He was later stopped by police officers who clarified his identity. He was then released from police custody. The authorities are now investigating the man on suspicion of disturbing the practice of religion, according to a police spokesperson.

Hamburg: Afghane (24) stürmt katholischen Messe – Polizei muss eingreifen –