The police in Gera have launched an investigation into the assault that was committed by around 20 Syrian and Afghan youths who allegedly tortured a German schoolboy in front of the cameras. A video circulated on social media shows the immigrants repeatedly beating, choking and verbally abusing the boy. According to the police, he was “slightly injured” by the violence.
“According to preliminary investigations, more than 20 suspects between the ages of 12 and 15 are currently being investigated at the youth centre in Gera,” a police spokeswoman told the Bild newspaper. According to the newspaper, the suspects are Syrians and Afghans. According to the police, the attack took place last week.
Investigators called on all users of social networks to stop sharing the video – which was posted online by the perpetrators themselves. “Furthermore, comprehensive crime prevention measures are being prepared in cooperation with the relevant educational and support institutions for children and young people,” said Gera police.
Gera: 20 Syrer und Afghanen quälen deutschen Schüler (
In a few years, they will be killing people.