German user under investigation in the USA by the German Federal Criminal Police Office for labelling a Green Party politician fat on the internet

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The operator of the social network Gab received a request from the German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) to hand over all the data of a user who had denigrated Ricarda Lang because of her weight. Gab refused due to the ridiculousness of the request.


Anyone who makes jokes about Ricarda Lang’s weight will now have to deal with the Federal Criminal Police Office and will be chased halfway around the world. Because, according to the German Federal Criminal Police Office, jokes about her weight violate Ricarda Lang’s honour.

In order to prosecute this crime, the Federal Criminal Police Office asked the operator of the social network GAB. The operator was asked to hand over the data of a user who had allegedly denigrated the Green politician Ricarda Lang because of her weight. The Gab network rejected the request due to its ridiculousness.

Because of this very crime of calling a fat politician what she is, namely ‘fat’ – according to the all-knowing Wikipedia, the term means ‘considerable, in the corpulence of a person’ – blogger Hadmut Danisch met his doom in spring 2023. As reported by the weekly newspaper Die Weltwoche, Danisch had responded to a comment by Ulf Poschardt. The editor-in-chief of ‘WeltN24’ is of the opinion that appearance ‘must not become an issue’. Since it is permissible to criticise ‘old white men’, it is also perfectly legitimate to describe Green Party leader Ricarda Lang as ‘fat’, said Danisch. As a result, the blogger, who had emigrated to Cyprus, was hounded by the German public prosecutor’s office. The blogger had insulted the politician and should be held accountable. But the persecution did not stop there. His account at Deutsche Bank was cancelled.

3 thoughts on “German user under investigation in the USA by the German Federal Criminal Police Office for labelling a Green Party politician fat on the internet”

  1. Lard ass, as in a lazy lying “politician”. She may not be well loved, but she is well fed. ALL “politicians” are liars.

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