German Study: Vast Majority of People Will Grow Out of Transgenderism Within 5 Years

A massive, years-long study shows the overwhelming majority of young people who identify as transgender will grow out of the diagnosis within five years. Researchers, who tracked all children and young adults diagnosed with gender dysphoria over a nine-year period, found a similar supermajority of trans people suffered from at least one other psychological condition.

The Central Institute for Statutory Health Insurance in Germany reviewed all the medical billing records from the nation’s health care providers for insured people between the ages of five and 24 diagnosed with gender identity disorders from 2013 to 2022.

Researchers then combed through the data to identify trends in the number of children and adolescents diagnosed with transgenderism, including the prevalence, demographics, and duration of those struggling with their gender identity.

Two out of three young people medically diagnosed with gender dysphoria will no longer identify as a member of the opposite sex within five years. Researchers found overall that 63.6 percent of trans children and adolescents desisted from their clinically-confirmed gender diagnosis, and “only 36.4 percent had a confirmed [gender identity disorder] diagnosis after five years.”

Experts found the majority of all people who identified as transgender desisted during that time frame. The most likely group to change its mind is 15- to -19-year-old females, with 72.7 percent desisting. But a majority (50.3 percent) of young men who came to their transgender identity in adulthood (males age 20-24) also desisted in five years.

Similarly, nearly three quarters of young people who identify as transgender (72.4 percent) had at least one other psychiatric condition.

Trans young people were most likely to suffer from depressive disorders — an outright majority of females (57.5 percent) and about half of males (49.3 percent, female), as well as “anxiety disorders (23.5 percent/34.0 percent), emotionally unstable personality disorders of the borderline type (12.1 percent/17.6 percent), attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (12.7 percent/12.6 percent), and post-traumatic stress disorder (9.9 percent/13.6 percent).”

“With regard to psychiatric comorbidities, our results are consistent with the literature, at least for depressive disorders,” they note.

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This article appeared originally on The Washington Stand.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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