In the coming year, numerous IS returnees are to be released from prison. The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) demands immediate measures in an interview with the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). “The federal and state security and justice authorities must act now to prevent harm to the population,” said Alexander Throm, the interior policy spokesman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Parliament.
Throm also referred to the attacks in Vienna and Dresden last year. This shows how real the threat posed by Islamists released from prison is.
At the weekend, the President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Thomas Haldenwang, had also warned of the danger posed by Islamist terror. Haldenwang complained that IS returnees in custody often hold on to their convictions. “We have to realise that radicalisation often does not abate,” Haldenwang told the newspapers of the Funke Media Group
His authority is asked to examine each individual case. “We need to know what is happening in the prisons, which people are still radicalised. For this, there must be an intensive exchange between the judiciary and the security authorities – we are already on the right path.Several former supporters of the terrorist militia Islamic State had to stand trial on suspicion of terrorism and other charges after arriving in Germany, and quite a number of them were convicted. According to the newspaper FAZ, however, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution could not say how many extremists were in custody and how many were soon to be released from prison.Union politician Throm criticises the incomplete data situation. This must change urgently. In addition, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) interior politician told the FAZ that he is calling for retrospective preventive detention for prisoners who have become radicalised while in custody.