Dresden newspaper Tag24 has written a raving review of the city’s newest and “most modern” refugee home, built in a historic hotel in the center of downtown, where the all-male newcomers will enjoy services like “organized leisure activities” and living standards other Germans can only dream of.
In fact, the paper notes that many arriving in Dresden on holiday would love to stay at the location, writing: “With the municipal rental of the former Hotel Cityherberge on the Robotron site, accommodation has now been created that many holidaymakers would like to use during their visit to Dresden.”
The paper gushes over various details of the new home for 280 men: “Wide corridors, bright colors, comfortably furnished rooms” are designed to provide excellent living accommodations for 280 young men from Afghanistan, Syria and Venezuela. The paper notes that 80 men have already moved in, with more slated to arrive in the next months.
The migrants will also benefit from a number of amenities, including full-service accommodations, as well as “prayer rooms, a hairdresser, canteen (three meals a day, also vegetarian) as well as organized leisure activities.”
German taxpayers will be on the hook to pay for the accommodation, with the hotel costing €36,000 per month. However, that does not factor in administrative costs, cleaning costs, the cost of food and healthcare, educational courses, and a variety of other services the migrants will have access to — not to mention a “team of experienced social workers” who will be servicing the new men, as Tag24 says. The extravagant price tag for just 280 men may be why the German government estimated it will spend €36 billion on migrants in 2023 alone.
The migrant home is also centrally located in Dresden, where many Germans are competing to live. As Tag24 writes, “The historic old town is within walking distance and can be reached in a few minutes.”
Right across the street from the new migrant home is a skate park, but Tag24 writes that Dresden’s young people and migrant men will benefit from interacting with each other, with the journalist stating that the skate park offers the “best conditions for getting to know a new (German) culture and for learning our language.” However, such cultural exchange has resulted in a disaster inside Germany’s swimming pools, where armed police are now on duty during all opening hours and a wave of sexual assault and riots have plagued the country’s swimming establishments.
Dresden housing and rental prices are soaring
Dresden, once considered a cheap city to live in, has seen housing and rental prices soar in recent years, and has been included on a list of cities with the fastest rising rents. Meanwhile, refugees — many from countries that are not experiencing war — will be enjoying plush accommodations for free. In fact, Tag24, the same newspaper praising the new refugee accommodations, wrote in 2021 that the number of homeless is growing rapidly and petitions are calling for more social housing. The paper noted that one of the primary factors is the astounding price increases, with condominium prices rising 17 percent in one year. According to the German Federal Statistical Office, there are an estimated 178,000 homeless people in Germany, but this number may be low.
As previous reporting from Remix News shows, there is a strong correlation between rising migrant populations, many of whom want to live in desirable cities such as Dresden, Berlin, Hamburg and Munich, and soaring housing costs.