German mosque prepares girls from the age of 13 for marriage

The current scandal surrounding the Omar Al Faruq Center in Mannheim (photo), which serves as a mosque for the Islamic Workers’ Association, which in turn is being monitored by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, shows the shamelessness with which the Islamisation of Germany is progressing in all its barbarity. The centre used a flyer to advertise a ‘girls’ evening in the mosque’. This alone is cause for concern, but the event was also explicitly aimed at ‘girls and women aged 13 and over’ and was garnished with the statement: ‘Whoever gets married has completed half of their faith’.

In other words, children were to be prepared for marriage – according to Islamic tradition with a man chosen by their own clan, usually a much older man, following the example of the Prophet Mohammed. After this became known and sparked outrage, the association deleted the flyer from its social media channels. Khalil Khalil, the spokesperson for the board of the Islamic Workers’ Association, spoke of “unfortunate wording” that had been drafted by women in the community and had not been noticed internally. The series of events, which had been organised by external experts, was supposedly about prevention. There was an immediate response to the criticism.
The construction of the mosque had already triggered massive criticism from local residents.

The mosque community has repeatedly distanced itself from Salafist and other radical ideas and has made the usual claims of openness and integration, which are known to appeal to gullible German politicians. Something similar can be witnessed in the Rödelheim district of Frankfurt. The CDU parliamentary group in Mannheim’s local council is now demanding clarification as to what consequences should be drawn from the latest incident. However, the motion will only be discussed at the next meeting of the Integration Committee on March 25 (!). The head of the Green Party parliamentary group was of course immediately placated by the statements from the Islamic Workers’ Association, after she had initially criticised the flyer.

This shows that the mosque does indeed still honour a fundamentalist ideology, even if the captious statements in the flyer were actually made by the women of the community. Even if this were true, they are certainly in the interests of the male leadership, who at best regret that the true aims of the event were communicated too openly to the outside world instead of carrying out the intended indoctrination behind closed doors. The politicians will do nothing here either and the association will continue to do its mischief – just perhaps a little more skilfully.

One thought on “German mosque prepares girls from the age of 13 for marriage”

  1. My goodness, how very un-Islamic of them.
    Ol’Mo married them much younger, so why aren’t they following the tradition of ol-Mo? [sarc off]

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