German mainstream media and politicians conceal the Islamist nature of the Essen terrorist attack


It is the next terrorist attack in North Rhine-Westphalia – just one month after the ISIS terror in Solingen (three people stabbed to death): a Syrian in an Islamist combat outfit marauded through Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, on Saturday evening and set fire to two residential buildings. Eight children are seriously injured by smoke inhalation, two children are still in mortal danger. The Syrian then rams into several shops with his van and attacks people with a machete and combat knife. Armed police officers are only able to arrest him hours later.
According to information from the German broadcaster WDR, the Syrian perpetrator is known to the police and was wearing the colours of the Palestinians and a Palestinian scarf as a headband when he committed the crime – clear signs of an Islamist ideology.

Remarkable: although the perpetrator clearly followed an Islamist behaviour and pattern of terrorism, the media and politicians remain silent. The newspaper ‘Süddeutsche Zeitung’ succinctly states: ‘There were two fires in apartment blocks in Essen today, and a van drove into two shops.’

The news programme ‘Tagesschau’ lists the attack far down online. Headline: ‘30 injured after fires – perpetrator to be remanded in custody’

On the X account of North Rhine-Westphalia Minister President Hendrik Wüst: There is no mention. On the X account of Interior Minister Nancy Faeser: There’s not a word. On the website of the TV programme ‘ZDF Heute’ a small news item and the misleading headline: ‘Residential buildings in flames. Many injured in fires in Essen.’ Not a single word in the article about the fact that the perpetrator was a Syrian or that he was wearing Islamist clothing.

Syrer verübt Feuer- und Macheten-Anschlag, aber Medien und Politik vertuschen nur… | Exxpress

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