Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (53, SPD) wants to tackle disinformation on the internet with a new campaign. Its name: ‘Fake Train’. For the streaming format (available on Amazon Freevee, among others), fake news experts analyse the internet for false reports. One of Faeser’s experts is the convicted gold robber and gangster rapper Xatar (43).
The 1.90 metre Iranian, whose real name is Giware Hajabi (43), robbed a gold transporter on the A81 motorway in Baden-Württemberg in 2009. He brutally tied up the drivers and fled with gold worth 1.8 million via Moscow to Iraq. After he was tracked down there and transferred to Germany, he was sentenced to eight years in prison in Stuttgart for aggravated robbery, grievous bodily harm and deprivation of liberty. So far there is no trace of the gold.
Xatar, on the other hand, has now reappeared. In the trailer for the federal government programme ‘Fake Train’. There, the Federal Agency for Civic Education advertises its six 30-minute episodes, four of which are already online: ‘The Fake Train travels on schedule through the vastness of the internet and stops whenever disinformation prevents us from travelling further.’
How did it come about that Xatar works for the Federal Institute for Civic Education? Their spokesperson told newspaper BILD: ‘Fake Train works with a variety of people in order to appeal to as broad a target group as possible. The twelve participants therefore come from the fields of music, e.g. rapper Xatar, singer Milano and singer Naomi Jon, social media, reality TV and comedy.’
Also taking part: comedian Parshad Esmaeili (27), who writes sketches for Jan Böhmermann (43), and actor Nico Stank (34). Strange: In the government programme, he talks about his small body size and even brags about his allegedly large penis.
The programme is hosted by angry Youtuber Rezo (31), who became famous nationwide in 2019 when he called for the ‘destruction of the CDU’ in an online appeal ahead of the 2019 European elections. He did so because he felt the party was doing too little for climate protection. He then indirectly recommended his viewers to vote for the Greens and the Left Party.
How could someone like Rezo, who is so biased, be chosen for what is actually an impartial platform? The spokesperson for the Federal Agency for Civic Education told BILD: ‘Because the commissioned production company successfully submitted the project to us as part of a public competition with Rezo as the presenter.’
Manfred Pentz (44, CDU, Hesse’s Minister for Federal and European Affairs) to BILD: ‘Presenting gangster rapper Xatar as an ambassador of truth and balance is highly questionable. It gives a deep insight into what the traffic light government thinks of young people. Having a convicted criminal comment on the rule of law is like having Putin explain democracy.”
Er soll vor Fake News warnen: Goldräuber arbeitet jetzt für die Ampel | Politik | BILD.de