German Greens minister wants to establish centers for neighbors to report each other for political incorrectness

Josefine Paul, the minister for children, youth, family, equality, refugees, and integration of North Rhine-Westphalia for the Greens, wants to push through a project that encourages Germans to report their fellow citizens, according to the German publication Focus.

Reports suggest that Paul intends to set up four reporting centers where people can anonymously report other people who are behaving politically incorrect through hotlines. For example, “incidents hostile to homosexuals, migrants, Muslims, blacks, and Roma” are to be reported, even those that are not criminal.

The government of the most populous federal state will spend €140,000 to establish each center. Paul, a former teacher, lives with Katja Meier, the Saxon justice minister and also a member of the Green Party.

“As I will continue to reject non-Christian gender language and gender ideology, it is already foreseeable that some zealous left-wing whistleblower will turn me in in East German Stasi-style. So be it,” responded Dirk Kalweit, vice-chairman of the CDU Christian Democracy faction in the Landtag (State Diet).

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