German Government Funds Research Project Labeling Transphobia, Criticism Of Gender Self-Determination Laws A “Threat To Democracy”

The German federal government was responsible for funding a research project labeling “organized transphobia” a threat to democracy. The project, which was made in collaboration with a trans-identified male known for threatening violence against women he disagrees with, classifies those opposed to Germany’s radical gender self-identification laws as “enemies” of society.

Days ago, the Institute for Democracy and Civil Society (IDZ Jena) published a brochure reporting the outcome of a research project it had undertaken on “Organized Transphobia: Concepts, Actors, Narratives, and Counter-Strategies.” In the 92-page release, it concluded that transphobia poses a danger to democratic co-existence and outlines strategies to tackle radical feminists who define biological sex as binary.

The research project, published in collaboration with the Federal Association for Transgender People (BVT), was funded by the German government through the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, which provided it a total of 228,833 Euros.

The project portrays feminists critical of gender ideology as enemies of the state who, together with right-wing extremists, pursue a political agenda to maintain an “endo-cis-binary gender system” – something that is deemed incompatible with the “principles of liberal democracy.”

The research itself claims it was conducted using a “scientifically grounded foundational work” and empirical surveys in the form of interviews with so-called “experts” who were all part of the “queer community.” Most of the project’s main researchers and the authors are transgender, according to their self-describing statements.

One of those “experts” is a trans-identified male named Mine Wenzel, formerly known as Benjamin, who goes by the pseudonym  “Mine Pleasure Bouvar.”

Wenzel, who identifies as a “non-binary lesbian femme,” has previously been invited to act as an expert for state-funded projects and lectures. He is well-known for his calls for violence against women, and has accused lesbians of bigotry for declining to have sex with trans-identified males.

In a 2021 article by the Heinrich Böll Foundation titled “TERFs False Friends – Feminism for Privileged Women,” Wenzel labeled feminists who advocate for their sex-based rights as FARTs, claiming they maintained an “outdated” understanding of biology to secure their privileges. 

Together with the Robert Koch Institute, a German federal agency and biomedical research center, Wenzel also developed a questionnaire for a study on the “sexual health of transgender individuals,” in which women and girls are referred to as “people with short urethras” whose primary genital organs are called a “front hole” or “pussy.”

Wenzel has also previously worked under his pseudonym “Mine Pleasure Bouvar” as an anti-discrimination and education trainer invited by German universities to give lectures on “transmisogyny.”

Disturbingly, while hosting his own podcast series, Wenzel admitted to masturbating while wearing his sister’s clothing and pretending to be a female character from Japanese animation.

In the document published by IDZ Jena, Wenzel was one of the experts who called for the creation of more taxpayer-funded initiatives to combat “transphobia” in Germany, adding that schools should participate in the “decriminalization of trans-people” through educational initiatives targeting youth. Additionally, the report calls for a national monitoring system for “transphobic hate crimes” in order to make transphobia visible as a threat to democracy.

Much of the research revolved around condemning critical attitudes towards Germany’s new gender self-identification bill.

The bill was first introduced in April of 2024, when the German Bundestag voted for the Self-Determination Act, which allows people to simply change their sex and first name at the registry office and threatens with a fine of €10,000 if someone reveals their previous first name and real sex. The Act came into effect on November 1.

Politicians who have expressed concerns about the bill and its impact on women and children have been faced criticism, even from within their own parties.

As previously reported by Reduxx, Germany’s Free Democratic Party (FPD) is seeking to prohibit the re-election of two female members who voted against the law. Katja Adler and Linda Teuteberg are the only two women in the FDP who voted against the law, with both expressing concerns about the implications gender ideology has for women’s safety. As a result, the FDP is seeking to remove both of them from standing in the upcoming election, and replace them with members who supported the Self-Determination Act.