More and more German celebrities are distancing themselves from the gender madness in language. Just recently, the German cabaret artist Harald Schmidt explained that he basically does not read texts with (gender) asterisks. Now the writer and singer-songwriter Heinz Rudolf Kunze has followed suit.
He recently appeared on Stern TV and explained: “I have a feeling and a thought on the subject of gender. The sensation is this: whenever I hear or read gendered language, I get physically nauseous – I think like Eric Clapton gets nauseous when he hears wrong notes on his guitar.”
He considers gender language to be a “post-enlightened, neo-medieval form of rabies and hopes that it will soon go away like a plague or a fad”. Kunze pointed out that Peter Sloterdijk, “the most important philosopher alive today”, and 99 percent of Germans see it that way.
This was contradicted by the moderator and cabaret artist Sarah Bosetti (who is anything but squeamish when dealing with those who think differently – during the Corona “pandemic” she denounced opponents of vaccination on ZDF as a “appendix” of society, which one could do without). The linguist Reyhan Şahin, who was also involved in the discussion, was also “disappointed” with the statements made by Kunze, who actually “should be on the right side”.
A survey of the audience, and around 20 000 callers, made it clear later in the show that Kunze was right in his assessment. Only 6,68 percent spoke out in favor of gender language, with 93,32 percent against it.