German AfD politician says in fiery speech abortion treats unborn as second-class citizens

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German politician Vanessa Behrendt has given a passionate pro-life speech, calling out leftist parties for allowing the killing of babies and creating a two-tier society of the born and the unborn.

”Dear Madam President, dear survivors, I realize that none of you were aborted. You were all born,” Behrendt began her speech in the parliament of Lower Saxony.

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) politician was immediately admonished by state parliament vice president Barbara Otte-Kinast for using the word “survivors” in the context of abortion.

“Okay… then dear people who were not aborted, because you were all born. Not from a birthing person, not from a person with a bonus hole, not from parent 1 or parent 2, but from a woman, from your mother,” Behrendt continued.

“You were also not born as anything but as a human being, a human being with rights.”

“ I warmly congratulate you on this because not everyone is so lucky. We are all survivors of a system that denies well over 100,000 people a year their most fundamental right – the right to life. A two-tier society of the born on the one hand and the unborn on the other.”

“ A society that kills. Not because it is allowed to but because it can. Because you here, SPD and Greens, have agreed that it is okay to kill babies.”

Behrendt gave her speech in the context of a debate around a bill regarding so-called “self-determined pregnancy.” The motion, which was ultimately passed with the votes from the Socialist SPD and the Greens, contained several provisions, including easier access to abortion and the demand for nationwide legalization of abortion in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. Although the motion was accepted at the state level, abortion remains regulated at the federal level in the Criminal Code.

Behrendt is the politician who acts as Family policy spokesperson for the AfD in Lower Saxony.

“ My body, my choice, you say,” she stated. “I say that the freedom of the born ends where the freedom of the unborn begins. There is no qualitative difference between the born and the unborn. They are all human beings.”

“ In your political youth groups, they like to call unborn babies clumps of cells. I could say the same about you. You would be clumps of cells in suits. Every human being begins life with exactly two cells. One cell from their mother, one from their father. By the time a person is an adult, there will be around 37 trillion cells.”

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