From Leicester violence to The Wire fabricated story saga: The Omerta, unity of the Left and Islamists and the small victory for Hindus

On the face of it, the recent anti-Hindu riots in Leicester, UK and the Wire serial lying saga appear completely unrelated and independent. But it will be foolish indeed to miss the common thread that runs through them. How? They both clearly show the remarkable unity of purpose and ideological fraternity among the Islamists and leftists. 

When Beijing and Pakistan declare each other as “taller than a mountain, deeper than the ocean, sweeter than honey” allies, it is not just an alliance between two states – it is an alliance of ideologies that are remarkably similar in many ways. It is an alliance of Islamist fascist, jihadi fanatics and Stalinist, Maoist left ideologies. As such its foot soldiers across the world are expected to obey and implement it. Dissent is not an option. Nor is quitting. “This is not a country club, 007!”. And unity both among your own and with your all-weather allies is a must to keep the “enemy” firmly in the gunsight. 

In the Indian context, this alliance expects to revive the glory days of the Mughal or Sultanate era when Hindus were dhimmis, as well as serfdom to the despot in China (aka amadher Chairman) and its interests to be in total power. What is the biggest hurdle? Of course, it is the Hindu faith, stupid! It is a natural target. Unless the standing crop is burned down entirely, the new one of Stalinist leftism cannot take root. Leftist hatred for Sanatana dharma is especially vicious as other major faiths – Christianity, Buddhism and even Islam (in the former USSR, Afghan etc) have never really stopped them from grabbing total power. Hinduism is unique in its pro-democratic DNA that has strong built-in antibodies to the left ideology of total obedience to one despot. It is diverse, lacks a central authority, is adaptable and constantly changing.

As such this alliance requires that there is complete unity of purpose within the left ummah and total coordination of strategy, tactics and day-to-day action with the political Islamists and its foot soldiers as well as ideologues. The Wire saga represents a clear example of the former and the Leicester one is just another example of the latter imperative. 

We saw such unity of purpose during the anti-CAA agitation too. After all, how can you allow victims of rape, murders and forced conversions done by your bosom buddies to take refuge in this country? Will they not keep that bad news in their conscience for too long? Better let them die there and bury it forever.  Future Romila Thapars can write history that all was fine and there was peaceful syncretism.

The unity of purpose of the left in the face of inconvenient facts and embarrassing news is not new or unique. When the rapist savagery and mass murders in Nandigram temporarily disrupted left unity, Noam Chomsky, one of left’s demi-God ideologues said it should not be discussed at all to protect “left unity”. In fact, even as they fight and even kill each other, exactly like their jihadi pals, leftist groups show remarkable unity of purpose when it comes to taking on the enemy, in this case, Hinduism. On paper mainstream left will pretend they are in total opposition to the violent fringe left tanzeems, but in practice when one of the brothers gets arrested the mainstream left will provide legal and media propaganda assistance. Even the woke left, usually preferring to keep its deep red shades covered up, will jump in to extend support.

Do you now understand why leftists across India and the West are trying to find the best ways to rescue Comrade Varadarajan from his temporary embarrassment? On the gigantic scales of the left which can bury Stalin’s mass murders as “may have made mistakes”, this is not even jaywalking level of crime. Mark my words, it will work. Soon it will be neatly airbrushed away. Omerta will be total. If anyone dares to update the Wiki page of Wire or its honchos with anything close to the truth, it will be deleted, and locked for editing. You can bet on it. Future history books will write about it as a case of a poor activist journalist becoming a victim of a vast right-wing conspiracy. Not one of deliberate lying and covering it up with more and increasingly ridiculous lies. The chances of a typo by OpIndia journalist staying in the MSM news are much brighter than this saga.

If the Wire saga is an example of left unity, Leicester is an example of perfect coordination among the all-weather allies. Borrowing on the time testing “one from the inside and one from the outside” strategy, the Islamists were allowed to wield their sticks and batons, (just as guns in the case of Pakistan or Kashmir) the leftists provided ideological cover fire and one-sided media coverage. Leftist coaching was clearly seen when Islamists, usually crude in their façade and direct in their threats, cleverly employed woke lingo and referred to every Hindu as Hindutva-wadi. What better than to reduce your victim to a hated monster first so that you can kill him and yet play the victim card? And leftist media covered violent Islamist attacks by focusing on the one guy that protected a “woman sporting bindi” from a “violent” mob. Of course, they did not say which violent mob. Perhaps it was a gang of Jain munis. All Islamist violence was neatly airbrushed away so that the victim card works. 

The same ideological fraternity that classified Al Baghdadi as a religious scholar (for once they were right, but the truth was embarrassing to their own propaganda) reduced “Jai Sri Ram” to a terrorist war cry. So that every time someone says it, he can be classified as a Hindutva fascist and dealt with accordingly. Soon JSR may even get banned across the EU just as (Hakenkreuz re-branded) Swastika is.

But let us also look at the bright side of things. 

Both affairs have positive aspects. Leicester incident woke up Hindus to threats they face both as “majority” and as “minority”. In fact, the minority status is deliberately denied to Hindus even in places like the UK, in order to totally obliterate their faith and identity by linking them to the Hindu majority in India. No one will dare link the Muslims in the UK to the Pakistani majority. And the Wire saga further reduced the credibility of its key players even in the eyes of their own fraternity that retained a semblance of independent thought.

Just look at the number of woke left handles that said something along the lines of “Many things need explaining” or “I hope they will clarify” etc. That’s about as far as they could go without getting a slap on the wrist from the GHQ or worse, a cancel notice. Sadanand Dhume, yet to completely wipe his past sin of supporting Modi and is furiously knocking on the doors of the woke club and lucrative franchises that lie beyond even certified a leftist “fact checker” asking mealy mouth softy-softy “hope-I-haven’t-knocked-too-hard-with-feather” questions as having more “integrity”.

Yes, soon even these diluted dissidents will be brought back to the fold, made to swallow their words and play the Politburo-sanctioned tune. The left ummah is unforgiving. But the damage is done. Their credibility is now inversely proportional to the distance from the Palazzo servant quarters or Politburo HQ. You can call it Ganesh’s first law of leftist journalism, if you may!

More importantly, the left-Islamist alliance which works best when covert or subtly overt has been brought to the foreground and increasingly seen as a harsh reality we must deal with. To me, that is the biggest gain.

Small as these victories are, they are worth raising a toast.