By Jack Hellner
We are constantly told that severe droughts and global warming are caused by our use of natural resources to improve our quality and length of life. We are told that we must give up our use of oil, natural gas, coal, meat, and other things or the earth will reach a tipping point where we can’t survive, and, here’s just one more example of the fearmongering, from a Reuters headline: “French wine output seen falling by a quarter due to adverse weather”.
From the headline, in the context of the continuing propaganda and false dire predictions from “experts” and the media, we might be tempted to think that the almost 25% decrease in wine production would be due to too much heat and too little precipitation. But that is not true, and toward the end of the article, we get the factual cause: It was too cool and wet for the flowers to develop because there was a late frost.
‘In many vineyards, flowering took place in cool and damp conditions, leading to ‘coulure’ (dropping of flowers and young grapes) and ‘millerandage’ (formation of small grapes). Added to this were losses due to frost in the spring, mildew and hail in the summer,’ the [farm] ministry said.
Then we get more truth. In 2023, the crop was excellent, which shows that the climate fluctuates year-to-year:
All types of wine were affected, as well as those intended for the distilled spirit eau-de-vie which benefited from an exceptional harvest in 2023, it said.
We are going to get a lot of fear headlines because Trump has been elected. We will be told that drilling will stop the progress in controlling the climate. We will be told that pulling out of the worthless Paris climate accord will be a disaster. The only “disasters” will be that the Democrat green pushers won’t get their massive taxpayer kickbacks, and China won’t be able to threaten the world with all their rare minerals.
The climate will do what it always has done: Fluctuate cyclically and naturally.
Anyone who believes the government and bureaucrats can control sea levels, temperatures, and storm activity has been indoctrinated. After Hurricane Helene hit and Joe Biden was criticized for his slow reaction, he finally told the truth about something — he said it is “stupid” for people to believe that the government can control the weather:
President Biden on Wednesday addressed what he called ‘stupid’ claims that the federal government can control the weather, as the false claim was promoted by some politicians and high-profile figures.
In other words, by insinuation, Biden called the highly credentialed intellectuals who voted for Harris stupid—only stupid people can believe such “stupid” things, right?
So why do most people posing as journalists, entertainers, educators, scientists, and other Democrats continually spread the misinformation that they can control the climate? That was the supposed purpose of the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act.
The propaganda that the “science is settled,” that humans and our use of natural resources is causing the warming and the death of the planet, has always been a scam for the sole purpose to transfer money to green pushers.
Thank goodness we have elected a president with common sense who is going to stop this intentional destruction of America!