Yesterday this news started circulating on X, with jihadis and their allies gloating openly, despite the fact that if a jihadi murdered Salwan Momika, this would confirm everything Momika warned about the Qur’an and Islam. In any case, yesterday the news was only on X. Today it is being reported on news outlets in India and Pakistan, but nowhere else. Might it be false? It might. But whether he is alive or dead, Salwan Momika has given Sweden, and all of Europe, and indeed all the world a warning that it would do well to heed, but will not heed. After all, Momika himself was just forced to flee Sweden for Norway, as the witless and suicidal Swedish authorities were about to deport him to Iraq, where he would certainly have been killed. Sweden should have been giving this man the highest-quality protection, and standing for the freedom of expression. Instead, this.