Accompanied by an accomplice, a Tunisian homeless man who was obliged to leave the country was taken into police custody after disrupting the service in progress in a church in Nemours, near Fontainebleau.
On Sunday December 15, two men forced their way into a church in Nemours, near Fontainebleau in the Seine-et-Marne department. The service in progress was disrupted by these two people, who were quickly displaced by those present, a police source told Valeurs actuelles. The priest contacted the police and reported the incident. The two suspects were arrested and checked by police officers near the church. One of them, a 33-year-old Tunisian of no fixed abode, was registered in the file of wanted persons for the obligation to leave French territory (OQTF). The person was taken into administrative custody at the police headquarters. There were no threats or damage committed in the church. No charges were filed.