In addition to rap, cars and sex, the suspect Joël Vigoureux follows on Facebook … anti-racist content, content about the cause of peoples, including the Palestinian cause, and about Islam:
According to our information, the arrested man, who had just completed a prison sentence for theft and wilful damage to property, had been sentenced to three years in prison without parole in 2019 for setting fire to the church of Équihen-Plage near Boulogne-sur-Mer. The offender had barely been released from prison when he tried again. This time he set fire to eight religious buildings in the Boulonnais district.
For all of these offences, the recidivist 30-year-old was sentenced to three and a half years’ imprisonment at the beginning of 2022, with the prison term to run consecutively. This sentence was linked to three years of social supervision, which included a commitment to psychological and psychiatric care. During his trial, he explained that he attacked churches ‘because all priests are pointers’ (note: term for paedophiles in the penal system). (…) La Voix du Nord

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