On January 20, the school board of Créteil suspended a teacher from Blanc-Mesnil (Seine-Saint-Denis), who was also the head of the school, because he was close to ‘radical Islamist ideology’ according to the Paris Administrative Court of Appeal. He had been in charge of this state primary school in Blanc-Mesnil for at least five years.
According to the specialised media outlet ‘ToutEduc’, which uncovered the case, it all goes back to an administrative control measure taken by the Ministry of the Interior in the summer of 2024. As part of the Olympic Games, dozens of micas (individual control and surveillance measures) were imposed on people who had been ‘convicted of terrorist offences or were highly radicalised’. This led to an outcry from human rights organisations.
The teacher was targeted by one of these authorities by decree dated the 24th of June 2024. He was ‘prohibited from moving outside the territory of the commune of Blanc-Mesnil without prior permission for a period of three months’ and ‘obliged to report to a police station once a day at 9.30 am’. He challenged this measure before the administrative court in Montreuil and then before the administrative court of appeal in Paris. Twice, on the 2nd of August 2024 and the 17th of January 2025, the judges ruled in favour of the Ministry of the Interior, considering him to be ‘addicted to radical Islamist ideology’. […]
They also listed his ‘attendance at the radical At-Tawhid mosque in Blanc-Mesnil’, the weekly religious lessons he ‘receives from a teacher who adheres to this ideology’ and his daughter’s schooling ‘at the Institut Tarbiya, an offshoot of the La Madrassah Quran school in Paris’.[…]].
Le Parisien / Le Blanc-Mesnil (93) : le directeur d’une école élémentaire publique, « acquis à l’idéologie islamiste radicale », suspendu par le rectorat – Fdesouche