On Wednesday December 13, a student from the Collège de la Morinie in Saint-Omer (62) chased two other students at around 10:30 am, brandishing a cutter knife and shouting ” Allah akbar “, a police source told Valeurs.
When he arrived at the level of one of these students, he placed the blade of the cutter knife on their stomach without injuring them. The 14-year-old offender, who was known to the police, was taken to the school headmaster, where he handed over the weapon he had hidden in his sock, among other things. A report was filed. The investigation was taken over by the gendarmerie.
Amaury Bucco – Valeurs actuelles / Au cri de « Allah Akbar », un collégien de Saint-Omer (62) âgé de 14 ans et connu de la police poursuit des élèves avec un cutter – Fdesouche