France: Macron’s latest political scheme worked only too well this time

Nosta Lgia

By Monica Showalter

For all his supposed fastidiousness, France’s President Emmanuel Macron knows how to make a mess.

He first surprised himself in the first round of French parliamentary elections, which called on a dare to voters, after conservatives’ strong showing in Europe’s parliamentary elections in early June, he did indeed win the conservatives significant power in the National Assembly on the first round.

That prompted him to go to plan B, which was to ‘suicide’ his own centrist Ensemble party and pull many of its candidates from the election, effectively throwing his support to the far-left, which had placed third in the first round last week.

Anything but allow the conservatives led by National Rally leader, Marine Le Pen, to win the election.

According to CNN:

The result of Sunday’s parliamentary election runoff comes as a huge surprise, with France appearing to be on the verge of a major political shift – but not the one everyone was expecting.

No pollster predicted before Sunday that a left-wing alliance would win and that the far right would come in third place. This is a shocking reversal of the outcome of the first round of voting, if tonight’s results match the projections.

For now, France seems ungovernable. With no party projected to get close to clinching a majority, the parliament will be in a state of paralysis, split between three blocs.

The political maneuvering by French President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist party and the left-wing alliance this week was clearly successful. Two hundred candidates dropped out of the race in an effort to block the far-right National Rally.

But the left-wing alliance, which has seemed shaky, is going to have a hard time speaking with one voice.

Macron’s centrist bloc seems to have held up quite well. Even though it is projected to lose roughly 100 MPs and finish second, that is still a much better result than what we were anticipating.

Now he’s got left-wing crazies in his majority and has to answer to them, much as Britain must now answer to its Labour party far left based on its election last week. In each of those countries, the center did not hold.

Macron is going to have a tough time governing now that he’s got radical leftists to deal with, over the conservatives led by Le Pen. And he will have no one to blame but himself, having attempted to manipulate the system by yanking his own candidates running for office, prefering the radical left over the populist right, which voters gave him.

What we are looking at here is a French version of Trump derangement syndrome in Europe, demonstrating the depths of contempt for ordinary voters held by the political elites.

It need never have happened, had he not panicked and called his snap election daring the voters once, and had he not tried to manipulate the vote again by pulling his own candidates from the second round, this never would have happened. But since he was too clever by half, he now gets the vast horde of leftists as his political bunkmates.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer RINO who considers conservatives the most dangerous thing in the world.

Whatever happens now, France isn’t going to like the result, any more than Britain is with its vote for Labour’s radicals. Anything that’s bad in France, whether of unchecked migration, migrant campouts befouling Paris, sexual assaults on women by these unassimilated foreigners, is simply going to get worse now. France’s voters gave it to Macron all right when he pulled those centrists they were going to vote for, and voted left instead, giving it to Macron good and hard.