Kérha Amiri, the deputy mayor of Valence in charge of health, was sentenced in criminal court on Tuesday for the illegal practice of human medicine. The judiciary accused the physiotherapist of applying cupping glasses and cutting the skin of patients, which is forbidden if you are not a doctor.
The deputy mayor, who is a physiotherapist by profession, was finally able to explain herself to her judges on Tuesday, Tuesday the 20th of February 2024. She has been on trial for over three years for illegally practising medicine between 2018 and 2022. The court sentenced her to a suspended fine of 10,000 euros, which was far below the prosecution’s demand. The case began in December 2021 with a report from the prefecture to the public prosecutor of the Republic of Drôme.
On her Facebook page, the MP posts photos and texts from her practice as a physiotherapist. She assures us that she has trained in the technique of Ventousotherapy. A treatment technique from traditional Chinese medicine and very popular in the Muslim world under the name hijama. But applying a cupping glass to suck toxic substances out of the body and then extracting them through a subsequent incision in the skin to relieve pain is forbidden in France by the professional association of physiotherapists. Only doctors are allowed to use this technique, as an incision must be made and blood must therefore flow; this medical procedure may not be carried out by a physiotherapist. And it is precisely for this reason that the prefecture has reported the matter to the public prosecutor’s office.
France Bleu / Valence (26) : Kérha A., adjointe au maire LR Nicolas Daragon (proche de Laurent Wauquiez), condamnée pour pratique illégale de la médecine islamique – Fdesouche