France: Islamist plotted murderous attack on, among others, the homosexual community

“The boy sometimes came out of the living room when I played music, rap or hip-hop from the 1990s. He said that was haram (sacrilege), the 41-year-old room attendant analyses in retrospect. Another time I reprimanded him for saying that women had to be veiled, and I told him that they were free to decide. But I would never have believed him capable of terrorism like they portray him on TV. He was going to take his high school exams on June 15. To me, he fell into Daech’s trap. These people take advantage of young people being at the stage of intellectual development to brainwash them.”

However, the counter-terrorist services are convinced: they have just foiled at the last minute one of the most advanced plans for violent action in recent years. A sheer killing with a knife, in line with jihadist propaganda. In police custody, by the way, Sofiane E. admitted to having had such intentions. A few hours before his arrest, he had made a video in which he pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (IS) organisation, and in messages on the encrypted messenger Telegram, he had spoken of his impending act: “on a Saturday”, a day with high visitor numbers, without giving further details.

According to our information, the 18-year-old actually had a target. After harbouring various plans, including an attack on the homosexual community, Sofiane E. seemed to have decided to strike on the Quai du Rhône in the greater Valence area of Guilherand-Granges. This is a promenade on the banks of the river heavily frequented by walkers and sportsmen. According to a source familiar with the investigation, the high school student had scouted these banks and devised a murderous route by placing crosses on a map. He had planned an attack in several phases, with sequences in which he hid in the surrounding area.


The student, who was previously unknown to the judiciary, had recently come to the attention of the intelligence service DGSI because of his disturbing chats on social networks. Sofiane E. was in contact with a Russian-speaking jihadist in Syria, which is rather rare nowadays. Investigations are underway to identify this mysterious contact and determine his role in the planned operation: Client of the project or simple confidant. […]Le Parisien