“I recognized him as soon as I entered the courtroom. By the look on his face.” 40-year-old Olivier (first name changed) could not forget the face of the man who had tried to burn him alive. That was on July 25, 2021 in Bonneuil-sur-Marne (94), almost three and a half years ago. The trial of his attacker had just taken place at the Créteil juvenile jury court and ended with him being sentenced to five years’ imprisonment with a subsequent order to serve his sentence.
I didn’t expect anything specific from the justice system, but I wanted society to condemn him, to make sure he didn’t get out free,” admits Olivier. (…) He has shown his determination to be tough. When this teenager returns to his neighborhood, he may be a star among his friends. But at this moment, and even if he is released in a year and a half thanks to the remissions, he has left the courtroom in handcuffs.” Le Parisien