France: In a park in Écully, a stroller is insulted as a ‘kuffar’ and then beaten by a man in a djellaba accompanied by a veiled woman

The victim managed to tear the perpetrator’s clothes off, but he left the park in a hurry with the fully veiled woman who accompanied him. The photo was provided by a witness.

When a man from Meyzieu was walking with his companion in a park in Écully on May 8, he was attacked by a person who allegedly insulted him as a kuffar. An investigation was launched.

‘My mum has fought against radical Islam all her life. I am Arab, Muslim, but what I have witnessed is not Islamic to me.’ Kader is 48 years old and lives in Meyzieu. On the afternoon of May 8, he went for a walk with his partner and his dog in the Parc du Vivier in Écully.

‘At one point we came across a couple, she veiled, in black from head to toe, he in khaki trousers and djellaba…’.

Kader suspects that the fact that his partner is European and he is a typical Arab-looking man is the reason for the sudden and violent attack: ‘I ended up with a bloody nose! Le Progrès

« Kader suppose que le fait que sa compagne soit européenne est la cause de cette attaque » : dans un parc à Écully (69), un promeneur traité de « mécréant » puis frappé par un homme en djellaba accompagnée d’une femme voilée – Fdesouche