France: High school student arrested after death threats against teacher; two knives and a flag of the Islamic State group found in his flat

A pupil from the Jean-Perrin school in Rezé (Loire-Atlantique, photo) was arrested on Thursday morning in the Nantes region and taken into police custody. This was reported by BFMTV and confirmed by a police source to the newspaper Le Parisien.

On Wednesday, a teacher had caught the 17-year-old simulating a gunshot in his high school as he was about to hand in a homework assignment that had Arabic writing on it, according to reports. That same evening, the teenager posted messages on Telegram under the pseudonym Islamic Warrior with death threats and said he wanted to stab his teacher.

The pupil was arrested at his home on Thursday morning and taken into police custody. During a house search, two knives and a flag of the Islamic State group were found. His computer equipment was confiscated. Le Parisien

Rezé (44) : un lycéen interpellé après des menaces de mort contre professeure sur Telegram ; deux couteaux et un drapeau du groupe État islamique retrouvés à son domicile – Fdesouche

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