France: He shouts ‘Allah Akbar’ and threatens to ‘blow up the high school’

On Wednesday September 11, at around 4pm, a patrol from the Mont-Saint-Martin police station intervened in Longwy, Avenue de l’Aviation.

A man was located between the vocational section of the Lycée Alfred-Mézières and the cemetery. For almost half an hour, the 40-year-old shouted ‘Allah Akbar’ and threatened to ‘blow up the school’.

When he was stopped by the national police, this man from the Pays-Haut area was taken into police custody. There he is said to have admitted to the offence and to having talked nonsense. The man was not armed.

He will have to answer for his actions and statements in court.

Meurthe-et-Moselle. Il crie « Allah Akbar » et menace de « faire sauter le lycée » de Longwy (

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