A 61-year-old drunk Algerian national forced himself on a pregnant 21-year-old French woman in the middle of the street, kissing her and grabbing her breasts, according to police. Despite his illegal presence on French soil, he was immediately released by the courts.
The incident took place on Sept. 6, 2023, at around 6:20 p.m. on the street in the La Madeleine district of Évreux. After the man sexually assaulted the woman, he was arrested by police at the rue de Rugby, where he was intoxicated. Police determined that he had no legal right to be in France.
Placed in police custody, the man was brought before a magistrate late on Friday morning, Sept. 8, 2023. The court immediately released the man with an order to be placed under judicial supervision (CPVCJ). The judge, however, issued the man with an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF) without delay, according to the French newspaper Paris Normandie.
As Remix News previously reported, France’s deportation rate is abysmal, especially for Algerians. In 2022, 12-year-old Lola was raped, tortured, and murdered by an Algerian female migrant with psychiatric issues, who had been slated for deportation for years. After the explosive story made headlines, it was revealed that only 0.2 percent of Algerians who receive deportation orders are actually sent back home.
Sexual harassment of French women from France’s migrant community is commonplace, and there is a growing movement of women speaking out against the phenomenon, including in video testimonials from the feminist group Collectif Némésis. In a video that has received hundreds of thousands of views on the X platform, 20-year-old Lea describes how “Maghrebi types,” referring to North African men, sexually harass her.
“Personally, it is always the Maghrebi types who follow, whistle at and insult me,” said Lea.
Both Lea and other women have given harrowing accounts of the various forms of sexual assault and insults they have faced.
Remix News also previously reported on statistics showing that the vast majority of rapes and sexual assaults on French public transport are committed by men of foreign origin. As is common across Europe, migrants often make up half of all sexual assaults or more in countries like Germany, Italy and Sweden.