France: Detained Islamist terrorist digs hole in her cell and escapes

A spectacular action for a real escape attempt. A radicalised inmate of Fresnes prison (Val-de-Marne) managed to break out of her cell at 2am on Sunday morning, reports Le Parisien. She managed to dig a hole in it and then climb down the two-storey wall at dawn with the help of bed sheets. She reached the prison corridor, but then set off the motion detectors so that the guards intervened. The investigation into the escape attempt has been handed over to the National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office.

The exact circumstances of the woman’s arrest were not known until a few hours after the incident. But it had something to do with terrorism. “The exact conditions under which she escaped are still unclear,” a source familiar with the investigation told Le Parisien. Strangely enough, the prisoner should be released “soon”.

According to the prison administration, in September 2021, there were 461 people in French prisons imprisoned for crimes related to Islamist terrorism and more than 650 ordinary prisoners “suspected of radicalisation”.