The 30-year-old Anli Houmadi, who originates from the Comoros, was immediately arrested by hastily called officers of the city police. After 48 hours in police custody, he was charged with “public glorification of terrorist acts” and immediately brought to court (…).
A few hours after his arrest, information that he was under a “fiche S” had spread like wildfire, feeding fantasies about his intentions and potential dangerousness. In the end, this was not the case (…).
However, even though the accused’s criminal record contains no entries, he had already been arrested in Nice on April 11 for shouting “Allah Akbar” and advocating the introduction of “Islamic laws”. (…)
(…) The prosecutor Sabine Marthouret spoke of an ” alarming profile “, as reported by journalists from Nice Matin who were present at the hearing. Nevertheless, the representative of the prosecution did not ask for the detention to be maintained, but asked for a six-month suspended sentence and a two-year ban from living in the Alpes-Maritimes. He was finally sentenced to this.
Le Figaro /