Violent assault in Vesoul: “I saw the man dressed in a djellaba attack the female driver without saying a word”.
At 9.40 a.m. on Wednesday March 22, a man beat up the driver of a minibus on Rue Cariage in Vesoul, who had come to pick up a girl from the IME in Noidans-lès-Vesoul. Her grandmother, who was accompanying her, took the children to safety. She testified as a witness. The perpetrator injured a second victim, who is in a serious condition. He was arrested at the mosque in Vesoul.L’Est Républicain
On Wednesday morning, there was an assault in the Pierres Vives neighbourhood in Vesoul. A man attacked two women.
The attack occurred in the Rue Cariage. The perpetrator attacked a 51-year-old woman. She was driving children to an Institut médico-éducatif (IME). “He was unarmed, he pulled her out of the minibus and hit her with his hands,” said the deputy mayor of Vesoul, who was in charge of security.
The man then went after another 72-year-old woman. “He followed her to her house and beat her,” Ludovic Ballester continued. She was admitted to the Vesoul hospital centre as an absolute emergency. Her prognosis is life-threatening.
The perpetrator was arrested by the police. An investigation has been launched, led by the Vesoul public prosecutor’s office. France Bleu