France: Another burglary in the cathedral of Nevers. ‘ A huge rage … It sucks ’

Kathedrale von Nevers. Wikimedia Commons , AEngineer / James Mitchell, CC-BY-SA-2.0

On Tuesday the 14th of January, another theft occurred in the cathedral of Nevers. The damage does not appear to be extensive, but the parishioners feel angry above all.

Sainte-Julitte Cathedral in Nevers was the target of a break-in on Tuesday the 14th of January between 12pm and 2pm. It was Pierre-Éric Durand, a volunteer at the cathedral and responsible for security issues in the diocese, who became aware of the offence.

As he was restocking the candlesticks with candles, he realised that the counter at the entrance to the cathedral had been broken into. Three padlocks had been broken and removed. However, the loot was small. The drawer of the counter had been opened, but very little was stolen from inside. Jean-Michel Drugeon from the association Regard sur la cathédrale de Nevers and head of the commission for sacred art in the diocese of Nevers says: ‘Probably books or postcards’.

The cash box affected by the theft was also moved slightly. The police have been called in to investigate. A report will be filed.

On site, the police hypothesised. A bolt cutter? A pair of pliers? An investigation is being launched. In any case, it does not appear to be a more casual theft. ‘The time chosen is not insignificant, nor is the method of theft,’ say the cathedral officials who were present at the scene.

What annoys Jean-Michel Drugeon even more is the damage. ‘It’s a huge outrage. It sucks.’

Le Journal du Centre

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