One person was arrested after shouting “Allahu akbar” at the police. He is accused of attacking three women on the street and in the lobby of a hotel.
He spent New Year’s Eve under close guard and was forcibly admitted to a room at the Louis Mourier Hospital in Colombes (photo). After beating several women in the street, a man had to be incapacitated by police on Sunday afternoon as he left a hotel in Gennevilliers.
Before he was subdued by the police, the apparently mentally disorderly man is said to have stormed towards them and shouted “Allahu Akbar”. One of the officers then deployed his stun gun to subdue the man and put an end to his violent outburst.
In the lobby of the B&B hotel in Avenue Beaumarchais, the man attacked a woman and hit her on the head with a stick. A few minutes earlier, the man had attacked another victim, also a woman, in a street in Asnières.
There he spoke in English to a passer-by on the Boulevard Pierre-de-Coubertin. When she did not understand him, he spat at her, kicked her and stole her headgear.
Several witnesses reported that the perpetrator had attacked a third woman in a street in Gennevilliers. However, this woman did not report to the police, who were on the scene. The first victim filed a complaint, while the second victim was taken to the Beaujon hospital in Clichy suffering from a head laceration and haematomas on her arms.
When are the French going to realize these deranged invaders need to be sent back to their country of origin. How much more deprivation are the people have to suffer. These sub-humans are not refugees, they are invaders who come to change the laws of the countries they invade. Until Europeans act saying enough is enough as they act like a spoil child who continues creating havoc because he/she isn’t stopped. An Arab Christian friend said these Muslims only understand a boot on the neck. Wake up Europe and start planning mass deportations. Assez est assez, point finale!