France: A man armed with a sword and wearing a djellaba causes panic on the street by shouting ‘Allah Akbar’

A 42-year-old man armed with a sword was arrested in Caluire-et-Cuire (Rhône) after causing panic in the street by shouting ‘Allah Akbar’. He was quickly subdued by the police and finally hospitalised after a psychiatric examination.

The police were alerted at around 1pm by residents who were concerned about the suspect’s behaviour. The BAC officers were quickly on the scene and located the man, who no longer had his weapon in his hand. He was overpowered and arrested.

The sword was found nearby by the police officers. The suspect was taken to the police station and taken into police custody. He underwent a psychiatric examination before being forcibly admitted to the Édouard-Herriot hospital in Lyon (3rd arrondissement). His police custody was subsequently cancelled. Actu 17

INFO ACTU LYON. On Saturday the 31st of August 2024, residents of Caluire-et-Cuire, near Lyon, called the police to report a very alarming observation.

A man armed with a sword and wearing a djellaba was shouting ‘Allah Akbar’ in the street. A large contingent of police is immediately dispatched to the area.

Caluire-et-Cuire (69) : un homme, armé d’un katana et vêtu d’une djellaba, sème la panique dans la rue en hurlant « Allah Akbar » – Fdesouche